Autora: Mayte Agudo Crespo
1.- Introduction
2.- English literature for children.
2.1. Main reasons to use literature in the English class.
2.2. .- Different reading materials
2.2.1.- Reading cards
2.2.2- Home-made books
2.2.3.- Books for native speakers of the language
2.2.4.- Easy readers for foreign language learners
2.2.5.- Picture dictionaries
2.2.6 -Books with tapes
2.2.7.- Magazines
2.2.8 – Comics
2.2.9- Children’s literature in English
a.- Fairy tales and animals tales
b.- Fantastic literature, travels and adventure
3.- Didactic techniques to access oral comprehension, to initiate and enhance reading habits and to develop sensitivity towards the poetic function of language.
3.1. Access to oral comprehension
3.1.1.Listen and repeat activities
3.1.1.a.- Rhymes
3.1.1.b.- Playing with language
3.1.2.- Listening to stories
3.1.2.a.- Whole class listening
3.1.2.b.- Independent listening
3.1.3.- Telling stories, chants or poems
3.1.3.a- Traditional fairy tales
3.1.3.b.- Your own stories
3.1.3.c.- Children’s stories
3.2.- Initiate and enhance reading habits.
3.2.1.- Reading to children
3.2.1.a.- Reading stories
* – Introducing new books
* – After reading activities
3.2.1.b.- Reading a class story
3.2.1.c- Reading familiar nursery rhymes or songs
3.2.2.- Reading techniques
3.2.2.a.- Reading aloud
3.2.2.b- Silent reading
3.3.- Develop sensitivity towards the poetic function of language.
3.3.1.- The poetic function of language
3.3.2.- How to develop sensitivity towards poetry
4.- Conclusion
5.- Bibliography
Literature uses language, but a very especial language. While usual language is a normal way of social communication and it can be used for many different functions, literature has other objectives. The author does not write in order to establish a personal communication with a particular reader, the reader is a silent interlocutor who just analyse the text. Finally, the language is not as natural and spontaneous as in an every day conversation. Literary language is directed towards sensibility, and it is clear, extremely expressive and accurate. Poetic language is even much richer than other kinds of literary languages. In the other hand colloquial language is vague, spontaneous and reflects the speaker’s personal conditions.
Our main interest in literature is not only the quality of the language used but also the analysis of the world that the literary piece involves. A literary text always represents a rich experience that allows the reader to observe the world from a new point of view. It can also provide a new knowledge about human beings. The description of the characters and their environment helps the reader to understand not only the others but himself or herself.
Literature is also going to help children to develop reading habits. The Ministry of Education and its Organic Law for the Improvement of the Quality of Education (LOMCE) dating 9th December,2013 and the Royal Decree 126/2014, 28thFebruary 2014, that establishes the curriculum for Primary Education, both reinforce the importance of reading. The Royal Decree article 7 defines the objectives for Primary Education. Objective E says “…develop reading habits”. Reading is an essential tool to develop basic competences. Therefore, schools and teachers should establish a daily reading time in their mother tongue in every Primary level. Reading in English should also have a great importance in our lesson planning. Through the introduction of literary texts, adapted to the level, we will face our students with language models that represent excellence in the use of the language.
In this theme I will define main reasons to use literature in the English class and different texts to be used. Then I will define different techniques to make the most of literature in our classes.
2.- English literature for children
2.1. Main reasons to use literature in class
Why should we use literature –stories, rhymes or drama- in the English class? There are many different reasons:
- Stories normally include elements that children are already familiar with in their mother tongue, so they know what to expect.
- The use of illustrations, gestures, mime, etc. helps with understanding of both global and specific information.
- Repetition means children have plenty of opportunities to understand the key information. Also children’s desire to listen to the same stories again and again allows for language reinforcement.
2.2.- Different reading materials
Once our pupils are on the road to reading, it is important that there is as wide choice of reading materials available for them to use.
2.2.1.- Reading cards
2.2.2.- Home-made books
2.2.3.- Books for native speakers of the language
2.2.4.- Easy readers for foreign language learners.
2.2.5.- Picture dictionaries
2.2.6.- Books with audio CD
2.2.7.- Magazines
2.2.8.- Comics
2.2.9.- Children’s literature in English
3.- Didactic techniques to access oral comprehension, initiate and enhance reading habits and develop sensitivity towards the poetic function of language.
3.1. Access to oral comprehension
3.1.1. Listen and repeat activities
3.1.1.a.- Rhymes
3.1.1.b.- Playing with language
3.1.2.- Listening to stories
3.1.2.a.- Whole class listening
3.1.2.b.- Independent listening
3.1.3.- Telling stories, chants or poems
3.1.3.a- Traditional fairy tales
3.1.3.b.- Your own stories
3.1.3.c.- Children’s stories
3.2.- Initiate and enhance reading habits.
3.2.1.- Reading to children
3.2.1.a.- Reading stories
3.2.1.b.- Reading a class story
3.2.1.c- Reading familiar nursery rhymes or songs
3.2.2.- Reading techniques
3.2.2.a.- Reading aloud
3.2.2.b- Silent reading
3.3.- Develop sensitivity towards the poetic function of language.
3.3.1.- The poetic function of language
3.3.2.- How to develop sensitivity towards poetry
4.- Conclusion
Stories and other literary pieces provide opportunities for exposure to language in enjoyable motivating contexts in which children’s previous learning is both enriched an extended. The stories normally used in the English class are based on themes which are common in children’s literature and which have a universal appeal to children. They are written using narrative structures familiar in children’s stories designed to maximise participation through guessing or repetition and to develop key skills like predicting and hypothesising.
In addition to developing children’s imagination, stories and poems are frequently a way of making links between English and other areas of learning or a springboard into children being able to explore and express their own views, attitudes and feelings.
Finally, by using literature in the English class we will also help our students to develop reading habits, one of the main objectives to work on according to LOMCE.
5.- Bibliography
- MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN. Law for the Improvement of the Quality of Education (LOMCE) dating 9th December,2013.
- MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN. Royal Decree 126/2014, 28thFebruary 2014, that establishes the curriculum for Primary Education,
- MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Y CIENCIA. Guía de recursos didácticos. Lenguas extranjeras.1994
- EKMAN,L. PETERSON,L. AND SODERLUND,K. Up to you Plus book 1.Aschehough. 1982, Norway.
- WENDY,A. SCOTT AND LISBETH H. YTREBERG. Teaching English to children. Longman. 1990.
- BESTARD MONROIG Y PÉREZ MARTÍN. La didáctica de la lengua inglesa. Edi-6. Madrid 1982.
- LOBO, Mª JOSÉ Y SUBIRÁ, PEPITA. Super Bus 1. Teacher’s resource pack. Heinemann. 1999.
- READ, C & SOBERON, A. Wonderland. Heinemann. 1997